Unemployed people receive only half the income they need

Fri, 28/06/2013 - 16:18 -- nick

Unemployed people without children receive only half the income they need to live a basic life, according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).

The anti-poverty charity also says that those with children receive a third less than needed, forcing more young people into poverty.

The report shows that single people need to earn at least £16,850 a year before tax in 2013 for a minimum acceptable living standard, while couples with two children need to earn at least £19,400 each.

Inflation drops to 2.2% - benefits to follow

Tue, 16/10/2012 - 12:37 -- nick

This article from the BBC gives details on the fall in the inflation rate in September, down to 2.2%. This is particularly important as the September inflation rate is used as the increase for next year's benefits. The article gives details of all the benefits that will be increased.

UnemployedNet says:


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