
JobseekingLooking for work? Find advice, guidance and support on a range of topics. Click on the toolbar buttons above for information on finding and choosing jobs, interview skills, making applications, writing CVs and covering letters, using social media, and building confidence, motivation and momentum. There’s also a special section for graduates and students.

How do I deal with an interviewer I'm attracted to?

Tue, 07/02/2012 - 12:34 -- nick

Your CV has successfully found its way to the top of the pile and you have been invited to come and meet your prospective employer. All you have to do now is get through the interview and you’ll be half-way to nailing the job you want.

But, as you walk through the door and see your interviewer for the first time, your jaw drops, your heart starts pounding and all sense of professionalism and composure disappears. You feel like a nervous teenager who has a crush on a teacher.

So what do you do when you fancy the person who has your career future in their hands? Do you chance your luck regardless of the outcome? Or do you place the object of your new-found desire into the realms of pipedream fantasy and focus on landing the job?

What should I wear to my job interview?

Tue, 07/02/2012 - 12:28 -- nick

Part of preparing for a job interview is making sure you are going to come across as a good addition to their company. Appearances shouldn’t matter, but the plain fact is that you are often judged before you’ve even uttered a word.
Direct approaches (specifically phoning to check the dress code) or indirect approaches (standing outside the office a few days before your interview to check the people coming and going) are both valid ways of determining the general rules.

How do I make a good first impression at my interview? With Audio

Tue, 07/02/2012 - 12:26 -- nick

You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but most of us do. There may be a classic novel lurking behind that garish sleeve, but we rarely take it off the shelf and open it to find out. It’s the same with interviews. If you turn up looking a mess or with a scowl on your face, you may as well have saved the bus fare.



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