
Universal Credit could cut poverty, says TUC

Fri, 21/06/2013 - 15:04 -- nick

The new Universal Credit system could help cut poverty, the TUC has suggested, but only by spending more money on it.

Writing in its ToUChstone blog, Alison Garnham says that current benefits policies, including increasing them by less than the rate of inflation, are designing poverty into the system and ensuring the number living on an insufficient income is increasing.

She points out that increasing key elements of Universal Credit, including the value of the child elements or the limit up to which a family can retail earnings, could lift more children out of poverty.

Charities being bullied off Work Programme - DWP

Thu, 28/02/2013 - 12:32 -- nick

DWP has claimed that charities are being intimidated into leaving the government's Work Programme by online activists.

This comes in the wake of Sue Ryder, the care and hospice provider, exiting the Programme's Mandatory Work Activity (MWA) scheme on Monday.

It had previously included 1,000 unemployed people among its 'volunteers', but released a statement which said:

Government's charity tax cap will cost 10,700 jobs, claims report

Fri, 11/05/2012 - 11:48 -- nick
The total cost of the Government's decision to cap tax relief on charity donations could be £1.5bn a year, new research suggests. An analysis by the economic forecasting consultancy Oxford Economics found that a £500m-a-year real-terms cut in charity incomes would cost between £1.2bn and £1.5bn in lost benefits to society. It would also lead to around 10,700 job losses at charities.

Disabled people ‘portrayed as scroungers’ by Government

Tue, 07/02/2012 - 11:57 -- nick

Disabled people ‘portrayed as scroungers’ by Government

The focus on fraud as a reason to cut benefits and make the application process more stringent has caused more resentment and abuse targeted at disabled people, six major charities suggest.

The charities – Scope, Mencap, Leonard Cheshire Disability, National Autistic Society, RNIB and the Disability Allowance – have cited an increase in contacts concerning public taunts and disbelief of disabled people’s ability to work.


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